Savings Calculator

The Savings Calculator calculates how much you can save annually by increasing the number of pieces per hour (PPH) your pressers produce. Enter the average pieces per week processed in your plant, the average presser’s hourly wage, a percentage increase for workers compensation and other employer payroll taxes (typically about 15%), your current PPH and your goal PPH.


Avg. pieces per week:
Avg. presser’s hourly wage:
Workers Comp/PR Tax %:  (15 = 15%)
Current avg. PPH:
Goal PPH:
Annual Savings:
{{savings.annualSavings() | currency}}

Return on Investment

Price Each:
Total: {{roi.totalInvestment() | currency}}
Return on Investment:
{{roi.roiYears() | number:1}} Years

Financing Analysis

Interest Rate (%):
Monthly Savings:
{{fa.monthlySavings() | currency}}
Monthly Payment:
{{fa.monthlyPayment() | currency}}
Monthly Cashflow:
{{fa.monthlyCashflow() | currency}}
Annual Cashflow:
{{fa.annualCashflow() | currency}}

Annual cost calculation:
((PiecesPerWeek * 52) / PPH) * (HourlyWage * (1 + PayrollTax%))